Credentials of the Moon Hoax Conspiracy Theorists

There are hundreds of websites devoted to the moon hoax theory, some for, some against. When you visit such a website, check out a few things:

Who wrote the material? What are their credentials and can they prove them? Try searching the internet for the author's name - often you will find independent information about their history which may be of interest.

Does the website sell books, videos or other material? Invariably hoax supporters want to sell you their best material, whereas debunkers tend to be non-profit, share all their material freely and have nothing to gain from influencing your opinion.

Does the author discuss their theories in open public forums? Hoax debunkers are generally keen to debate the issues uncensored, whereas hoax supports tend to be evasive or willing to enter into discussions only on their terms.

Note: For the record, the author of this website is:
Dave Owen
417 Racecourse Road,
Te Awamutu, New Zealand.
Ph: +64 7 870 1966

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