My Websites

Together my brother Scratch, my partner Angeand I have been creating and operating our own websites since 1997. We make money from these sites by allowing Google to place ads on them. It's so sweet.

At first I treated my websites as a hobby but in 2000 Ange and I decided to make a business with our Race Cafe website (, which was a discussion forum for the NZ racing industry. While I worked part-time at Trackside we both developed the site. It took off and for a while was ranked as the busiest discussion forum for any topic in New Zealand. Financially it paid well enough but it certainly wasn't easy money. We sold it in 2005.

Earlier, in 2003, I'd done some calculations on our other websites and decided that some of them offered better prospects than The Race Cafe. By 2004 I'd built them up enough to make a reasonable income. In 2007 I began dumping my business clients and retired from all gainful employment so I could concentrate exclusively on the websites. Over the years I've built dozens more sites, as well as buying and selling a handful. Some sites have done well and continue to generate income, some did well financially but were a pain to manage so I sold them, and some have bombed completely. Here are some of the websites that I'm most proud of: is an educational website for video and audio production. It gets over 40,000 unique visits per day. is a repository of evidence-based articles covering all types of paranormal phenomena. is a mapping and 3-D photography website, featuring customized Google Maps and stereo photos. is a non-profit community website for my home town, Te Awamutu.

Other projects I'm working on:

Ange's websites